ГОСТ Р 53647.9—2013
[1]BS 25999-1:2006. Непрерывный менеджмент бизнеса. Часть 1. Принятая практика
[2]BS 25999-2:2007, Непрерывный менеджмент бизнеса. Часть 2. Технические условия
[3] BS 31100:2011. Менеджмент рисков. Принятая практика и руководство для выполнения BS
ISO 31000
[4] PD 25666:2010. Менеджмент непрерывности бизнеса. Руководство по выполнению и тести
рованию программ непрерывности и чрезвычайных программ.
Другие издания
[5]Cabinet Offico Emergency Planning College. Decision tools for risk and crisis management Un
[6] Devitt KR. Borodzicz EP. Interwoven leadership: the missing link in multi-agency major incident
response. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 2008 Dec;16(4):208-16.
[7] HM Government. Emergency response and recovery. 3rd ed. 2010.
Дополнительная литература
[8]Ahmed M. The principles and practice of crisis management: the case of Brent Spar. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan. 2006.
[9]Algar P. Your problem, our story: a management guide to handling emergencies and the media.
Matfield: Matfield Books. 2008.
[10]Andersen TJ. Schroder PW. Strategic risk management practice. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. 2010.
[11]Bland M. When it hits the fan. Centre Publishing. 2004.
[12] Boin A. et al. The politics of crisis management: public leadership under pressure. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. 2007.
[13]Borodzicz EP. Risk, crisis and security management. Chichester: Wiley. 2005.
[14]Crandall WR. Parnell JA. Spillan JE. Crisis management in the new strategy landscape. Thousand
Oaks: Sage Publications. 2010.
[15]Curtin T. et al. Managing a crisis: a practical guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
[16]Elliott D. Johnson N. A study of resilience and business continuity practice. Liverpool: University of
Liverpool. 2010.
[17] Elliott D. Swartz E. Herbane B. Business continuity management: a crisis management approach.
2nd ed. London: Routledge. 2010.
[18] Fernandez L. Merzer M. Jane’s crisis communications handbook. Coulson: Jane’s Information
Group. 2003.
[19]Flin R. Sitting in the hot seat: leadership for critical incidents. Chichester: John Wiley. 1996.
[20]Flin R. Arbuthnot K. Incident command: tales from the hot seat. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing,
[21]Haddow GD. Haddow KS. Disaster communications in a changing media world. Burlington:
Butterworth- Heinemann. 2009.
[22]Larkin J. Strategic reputation risk management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003.
[23]Mahler JG. Organizational learning at NASA; the Challenger and Columbia accidents. Washington:
Georgetown University Press. 2009.
[24] Mitroff li. Pearson Cm. Crisis management: a diagnostic guide for improving your organization cri
sis preparedness. San Francisco: Jossey-Boss. 1993.
[25] Mitroff II. Why some companies emerge stronger and better from a crisis: seven essential lessons
for surviving disaster. New York: Amacom. 2005.
[26]Mitroff II. Crisis leadership: planning for the unthinkable. San Frandsco: John Wiley. 2006.
[27]Perrow C. Normal accidents. Chichester: Princeton University Press. 1999.
[28] Perrow C. The next catastrophe: redudng our vulnerabilities to natural, industrial, and terrorist dis
asters. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press. 2007.
[29]Reason J. Human error. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990.
[30]Reason J. Managing the risks of organizational accidents. Aldershot: Ashgate. 1997.
[31] Regester M. Larkin J. PR in practice: risk issues and crisis management in public relations: a
casebook of best practice. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page. 2008.
[32] Rosenthal U. Boin A. Comfort L. Managing crises: threats, dilemmas, opportunities. Springfield:
Charles C Thomas Publisher. 2001.
[33] Smith D. Elliott D. eds. Key readings in crisis management: systems and structures for prevention
and recovery. London: Routledge. 2005.