ГОСТ Р ИСО 11064-7—2016
(1) ISO 9000
Quality managementsystems — Fundamentals and vocabulary
(2) ISO 9241-11
Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs). Part 11.
Guidance on usability
[3) ANSI/AlAA G-035-1992.
Human Performance Measurement. Washington D.C.. 1993
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|7JHandbook of Human Factors Testing and Evaluation, (1996). T.G. O’Brien and S.G. Charlton. Ed.. Lawrence
Erlbaum Ass. Publishers. Mahwah, New Jersey
) IEC 60964
[9) IEC 61771
[10] IEEE Standard 845.
[11] IEEE Standard 1023.
Design forcontrol rooms of nuclear power plants
Nuclear power plants — Mam control-room — Verification and validation of design
Guide to EvaluationofHuman-System Performance InNuclearPowerGenerating Stations
Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems. Equipment, and
Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations
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[15] NUREG-0711. Rev.1. 2004 Human Factors Engmeenng Program Review Model. Washington DC: U.S. Nuclear
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[16] O’DONNEL. R.D. and EGGEMElER. F.T. (1986). Workload assessment methodology. In K.R. Boff et al Eds.,
Handbook of Perception and Human Performance, Volume II. Cognitive Processes and Performance. John Wiley,
Chapter 42. New York