ГОСТ ISO/TS 22600-3—2013
[37J ISO 22857. Health informatics — Guidelines on data protection to facilitate trans-border flows of personal health
(38)EN 13608-1:2007, Health informatics — Electronic health record communication — Part 1: Reference model
(39) ASTM E1986. Standard Guide for Information Access Privileges to Health Information list of «Healthcare Person
nel that Warrant Differing Levets of Access Control»
(40) ASTM E1714-07. Standard Guide for Properties of a Universal Healthcare Identifier (UHID)
(41) ASTM E1985-98. Standard Guide for User Authentication and Authorization
(42) ASTM E2085-00a. Standard Guide on Security Framework for Healthcare Information
(43) ANSI INCITS 359-2004 19. Role Based Access Control. February 2004
(44) OASIS. Universal Description. Discovery and Integration. v3.0.2 (UDDI). February 2005
(45)RFC 3198, Terminology for policy-based management. Available (2009-09-16) at.
(46) ANSI X9.45-1999. Enhanced management controls using digital signatures and attribute certificates
(47)IETF RFC 3280. Internet X.509 public key infrastructure certificate and certificate revocation list (RL) profile
(48)RFC 822. Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages. Available (2009-09-16) at:
(49) RFC 2634. Enhanced secunty services for S/MIME. Available (2009-09-16) at:
(50) ITU-T X.411, Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS) — Message Transfer System:
Abstract Service Definition and Procedures SERIES X: DATA NETWORKS AND OPEN SYSTEM COMMU
NICATIONS Message Handling Systems
(51) RFC 3881. Security audit and access accountability message XML data definitions for healthcare applications.
Available (2009-09-16) at: