Извещение о смерти военнопленного (англ.)
Annex IV (Geneva, 12.VIII.1949)
D. NOTIFICATION OF DEATH (see Article 120)
¦(Title of responsible NOTIFICATION OF DEATH ¦
¦ authority) ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Power on which the ¦
¦ prisoner depended _____________________¦
¦ ¦
¦Name and first names ___________________________________________¦
¦ ¦
¦First name of father ¦_______________________________¦
¦Place and date of birth ¦_______________________________¦
¦Place and date of death ¦_______________________________¦
¦Rank and service number ¦ ¦
¦(as given on identity disc) ¦_______________________________¦
¦Address of next of kin ¦_______________________________¦
¦Where and when taken ¦ ¦
¦prisoner ¦_______________________________¦
¦Cause and circumstances ¦ ¦
¦of death ¦_______________________________¦
¦Place of burial ¦_______________________________¦
¦Is the grave marked and can ¦ ¦
¦it be found later by the ¦ ¦
¦relatives? ¦_______________________________¦
¦Are the personal effects of ¦_______________________________¦
¦the deceased in the keeping of ¦_______________________________¦
¦the Detaining Power or are they ¦_______________________________¦
¦being forwarded together with ¦_______________________________¦
¦this notification? ¦_______________________________¦
¦If forwarded, through what ¦ ¦
¦agency? ¦_______________________________¦
¦Can the person who cared for ¦_______________________________¦
¦the deceased during sickness ¦_______________________________¦
¦or during his last moments ¦_______________________________¦
¦(doctor, nurse, minister of ¦_______________________________¦
¦religion, fellow prisoner) give ¦_______________________________¦
¦here or on an attached sheet a ¦_______________________________¦
¦short account of the ¦_______________________________¦
¦circumstances of the death and ¦_______________________________¦
¦burial? ¦_______________________________¦
¦ ¦
¦(Date, seal and signature of Signature and address of two ¦
¦responsible authority.) witnesses ¦
¦ ¦
Remarks. - This form should be made out in two or three languages, particularly in the prisoner's own language and in that of the Detaining Power. Actual size of the form: 21 by 30 centimetres.
Источник - Женевская конвенция от 12.08.1949