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Сертификат о происхождении товара англ Форма N А

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Сертификат о происхождении товара англ Форма N А

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Сертификат о происхождении товара (англ.). Форма N А


Приложение N 1 к Правилам определения происхождения товаров из развивающихся и наименее развитых стран - пользователей единой системы тарифных преференций Таможенного союза


¦1. Goods consigned from (exporter's      ¦Reference N                        ¦

¦   business name, address, country)      ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦ GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES ¦

¦                                         ¦       CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN       ¦

¦                                         ¦     (Combined declaration and     ¦

+-----------------------------------------+           certificate)            ¦

¦2. Goods consigned to (consignee's name, ¦             FORM A                ¦

¦   address, country)                     ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦Issued in .........................¦

¦                                         ¦                  (country)        ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦                 See notes overleaf¦


¦3. Means of transport and route (as far  ¦4. For official use                ¦

¦   as known)                             ¦                                   ¦


¦5. Item¦6. Marks and ¦7. Number and ¦8. Origin    ¦9. Gross   ¦10. Number and¦

¦   num-¦   numbers of¦   kind of    ¦   criterion ¦   weight  ¦    date of   ¦

¦   ber ¦   packages  ¦   packages;  ¦   (see notes¦   or other¦    invoices  ¦

¦       ¦             ¦   description¦   overleaf) ¦   quantity¦              ¦

¦       ¦             ¦   of goods   ¦             ¦           ¦              ¦


¦11. Certification                        ¦12. Declaration by the exporter    ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦It is hereby certified, on the basis of  ¦The undersigned hereby declares    ¦

¦control carried out, that the declaration¦that the above details and         ¦

¦by the exporter is correct.              ¦statements are correct, that all   ¦

¦                                         ¦the goods were produced in         ¦

¦                                         ¦...................................¦

¦                                         ¦             (country)             ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦and that they comply with the      ¦

¦                                         ¦origin reguiremeats specified for  ¦

¦                                         ¦those goods in the Generalized     ¦

¦                                         ¦System of Preferences for goods    ¦

¦                                         ¦exported to                        ¦

¦                                         ¦...................................¦

¦                                         ¦        (importing country)        ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦


¦Place and date, signature sad stamp      ¦Place and date, signature of       ¦

¦of certifying authority                  ¦authorized signatory               ¦



¦1. Expediteur (nom, adresse, pays de     ¦Reference N                        ¦

¦l'exportateur)                           ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦SYSTEME GENERALIZE  DE PREFERENCES ¦

¦                                         ¦       CERTIFICAT D'ORIGINE        ¦

¦                                         ¦    (Declaration et certificat)    ¦

+-----------------------------------------+                                   ¦

¦2. Destinataire (nom, adresse, pays)     ¦            FORMULE A              ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦Delivre en ........................¦

¦                                         ¦                  (pays)           ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦                Voir notes au verso¦


¦3. Moyen de transport et itineraire      ¦4. Pour usage officiel             ¦

¦   (si connus)                           ¦                                   ¦


¦5. N    ¦6. Margues et¦7. Numbre et type¦8. Critere  ¦9. Poids   ¦10. N et   ¦

¦   d'or-¦   numeros   ¦   de colis;     ¦   d'origine¦   brut ou ¦    date   ¦

¦   dre  ¦   des colis ¦   description   ¦   (voir    ¦   guantity¦    de la  ¦

¦        ¦             ¦   des           ¦   notes    ¦           ¦    facture¦

¦        ¦             ¦   marchandises  ¦   au verso)¦           ¦           ¦


¦11. Certificat                           ¦12. Declaration de l'exportateur   ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦ll est certifie, sur la base du controle ¦Le soussigne declare que les       ¦

¦effectue, que la declaration de          ¦mentions et indications ci-dessus  ¦

¦l'exportateur est exacte.                ¦sont exactes, que toutes ces       ¦

¦                                         ¦marchandises ont ete produites en  ¦

¦                                         ¦...................................¦

¦                                         ¦           (nom du pays)           ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦

¦                                         ¦et qu'elles remplissent les        ¦

¦                                         ¦conditions d'origine requises par  ¦

¦                                         ¦le systeme generalise de preferen- ¦

¦                                         ¦ces pour etre exportees a destina- ¦

¦                                         ¦tion de                            ¦

¦                                         ¦...................................¦

¦                                         ¦     (nom du pays importateur)     ¦

¦                                         ¦                                   ¦


¦Lieu et date, signature et timbre de     ¦Lieu et date, signature du         ¦

¦l'autorite delivrant le certificat       ¦signataire habilite                ¦


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