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Рамочное соглашение о создании консультативной группы между местными властями (англ.)

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Рамочное соглашение о создании консультативной группы между местными властями (англ.)


Приложение к Конвенции Совета Европы от 21.05.1980 N 106

2.1 Outline agreement on the setting up of a consultation group between local authorities
Introductory note: Normally, the creation of such a group is possible without the need for inter-state agreements. There are numerous examples of such a possibility. However, if legal or other uncertainties exist, an inter-state agreement would provide the conditions under which such consultation could be used (see model agreement 1.3).

Purpose of the group and headquarters Article 1
The local authorities Parties to this Agreement undertake to co-ordinate their efforts in the following fields within their powers (specify the field(s) of responsibility or refer to local problems). For this purpose, they hereby establish a Consultation Group, hereinafter referred to as "the Group", with headquarters at .....
The Group's function shall be to ensure the exchange of information, co-ordination and consultation between its members in the fields specified in the preceding sub-paragraph. The member authorities undertake to supply it with all information necessary for the discharge of its function and to consult each other, via the Group, prior to the adoption of decisions or measures affecting the fields specified above.

Membership Article 2
Each participating local authority shall be represented in the Group by a delegation of ..... members appointed by it. Each delegation may, with the Group's agreement, be accompanied by representatives of private socio-economic bodies and by experts (this alternative excludes entities other than local authorities from membership, which distinguishes this arrangement from the private law association dealt with under 2.3).
Possible variant: The number of members in each delegation may vary. Membership shall be open to local and regional authorities, socio-economic groups and private persons subscribing to this agreement. The Group shall decide on the admission of new members. Each delegation may, with the Group's agreement, be accompanied by representatives of private bodies and by experts.

Terms of reference Article 3
The Group may deliberate on all matters specified in Article 1. All questions on which a consensus is reached, and recommendations which the Group decides to make to the relevant authorities or groups, shall be recorded in the minutes.
The Group shall be authorised to commission studies and investigations on matters within its competence.

Article 4
The members of the Group may agree to entrust the Group with the execution of certain well-defined practical duties. The Group may also carry out any tasks entrusted to it by other agencies.

Operation Article 5
The Group shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

Article 6
The Group shall, as a general rule, be convened twice a year, or at the request of one-third of its members proposing the entry of an item on its agenda.
Notice of the meeting must be given and the agenda circulated at least 15 days in advance, in order that the deliberations may be prepared by each of the institutions represented.

Article 7
The Group shall appoint from among its members a permanent Bureau whose membership and powers it shall determine.
The Chair shall be taken in accordance with the rules of procedure or, where they do not apply, by the oldest member present.

Relations with outside persons and higher authorities Article 8
In relations with outside persons, the Group shall be represented by its Chairman, except as otherwise provided for in the rules of procedure. Higher authorities, to which members of the Group belong, may obtain from the Group such information as they may request on the Group's work and shall be authorised to send an observer to its meetings.

Secretariat and finance Article 9
Secretarial services shall be provided by one of the member institutions (with or without a system of annual replacement).
Each authority shall be required to contribute to the cost of secretarial services as specified hereunder: ...
Information and documentation shall normally be circulated in the language of the State from which it originates.

Accession and withdrawal Article 10
Membership of the Group shall be open to such additional local and regional authorities as may subscribe to this agreement. The Group shall decide on the admission of new members.

Article 11
Any member may withdraw from the Group by notifying the Chairman to that effect. The withdrawal of a member from the Group shall not affect its operation unless otherwise decided upon by the Group.

Article 12
The Parties shall inform the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of the conclusion of this agreement and supply him with the text.

Источник - Конвенция СЕ от 21.05.1980 № 106


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