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Типовое межгосударственное соглашение о региональных приграничных консультациях (англ.)

Типовое межгосударственное соглашение о региональных приграничных консультациях (англ.)

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Типовое межгосударственное соглашение о региональных приграничных консультациях (англ.)


Приложение к Конвенции Совета Европы от 21.05.1980 N 106

1.2 Model inter-state agreement on transfrontier regional consultation
Introductory note: This agreement may be concluded either individually or in conjunction with one or more of the model inter-state agreements (Texts 1.1 to 1.5).  5

5 Additional model and outline agreements have been authorized for publication; they are appended to this Convention and numbered 1.6 to 1.13 and 2.7 to 2.15.

Article 1
In order to promote transfrontier consultation between the regions defined in the appendix to this text, the Parties shall establish a joint commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission"), and if necessary one or more regional committees (hereinafter referred to as "Committees") to deal with matters relating to transfrontier consultation.

Article 2
1 The Commission and Committees comprise delegations whose members are chosen by each of the Parties.
2 Delegations to the Commission shall comprise not more than 8 members, of whom at least 3 shall represent the regional authorities. The chairman of delegations to the Committees, or their representatives, shall take part, in an advisory capacity, in the proceedings of the Commission.  6

6 The figures given for the number of members of the Commission are intended for guidance only and should be adapted to individual situations, as indeed should all the provisions in this model agreement. By giving figures the authors of the model agreements intended to highlight the need for efficient commissions with relatively few members. They also wanted to give an indication of the ratio to be maintained between representatives of central authorities on the one hand and of regional authorities on the other.

3 The Committees shall be composed of ... delegations, each comprising ... members, and shall be formed at the instigation of the Commission in agreement with the regional and local authorities of the frontier areas covered by this agreement. Delegations to the Committees shall be composed of representatives of those authorities or of regional or local bodies. One delegate shall be appointed by the central authorities. He shall, where appropriate, be chosen from among the bodies representing the central authorities in the frontier areas for which the Committees are responsible.
4 The Commission shall meet at least once per year. The Committees shall meet as required, but at least twice per year.
5 The Commission and the Committees shall draw up their own rules of procedure.

Article 3
Each Party shall defray the expenditure of its own delegation to the Commission.
The expenditure of delegations to the Committees shall be defrayed by the authorities forming such delegations.

Article 4
Purposes of co-ordination and continuity in the work of the Commission and the Committees, the Parties shall if need be establish a Secretariat whose composition, headquarters, manner of operation and financing shall be laid down in an ad hoc arrangement between them, as proposed by the Commission. Failing agreement between the Parties, the Commission itself may establish such a Secretariat.

Article 5
The frontier areas covered by this agreement shall be specified in an Annex thereto, the content of which may be amended simply by an exchange of notes.

Article 6
1 The matters dealt with under transfrontier consultations shall be those arising in the following fields  7 :

7 This list is given merely for guidance and should be adapted to each co-operation project. It is not to be interpreted as modifying the powers vested in territorial authorities by domestic law. Both central and regional authorities are, after all, represented on the Commission.

- urban and regional development;
- transport and communications (public transport, roads and motorways, joint airports, waterways, seaports, etc.);
- energy (power stations, gas, electricity and water supplies);
- nature conservation (places requiring protection, recreation areas, natural parks, etc.);
- water conservation (pollution control, treatment plants, etc.);
- protection of the atmosphere (air pollution, noise abatement, noise-free zones, etc.);
- education, training and research;
- public health (eg use of medical facilities in one of the areas by the inhabitants of another);
- culture, leisure and sport (theatres, orchestras, sports centres, holiday homes and camps, youth centres, etc.);
- mutual assistance in disaster relief (fire, flood, epidemics, air crashes, earthquakes, mountain accidents, etc.);
- tourism (joint projects for the promotion of tourism);
- problems relating to frontier workers (transport facilities, housing, social security, taxation, employment, unemployment, etc.);
- economic projects (new industry, etc.);
- miscellaneous projects (refuse disposal plant, sewerage, etc.);
- improvement of the agrarian system;
- social facilities.
2 The Parties may agree to amend this list by simply exchanging notes.

Article 7
1 Unless otherwise provided, the Commission shall be responsible for dealing with general matters and matters of principle, such as drawing up programmes for the Committees, co-ordination and contact with the central administrations concerned and with joint Commissions established before the entry into force of this agreement.
2 The Commission shall in particular be responsible for referring to the respective governments, as appropriate, its own and the Committees' recommendations and any projects for the conclusion of international agreements.
3 The Commission may avail itself of the services of experts for the investigation of particular questions.

Article 8
1 The primary function of the Committees shall be to investigate problems arising in the fields specified in Article 6 and to make proposals and recommendations accordingly. Such problems may be referred to them by the Commission, by the Parties' central, regional or local authorities and by institutions, associations or other public or private bodies. They may also take up matters on their own initiative.
2 The Committees may, for the purpose of studying these matters, set up working parties. They may also avail themselves of the services of experts, and request legal opinions or technical reports. The Committees shall, through the fullest possible consultation, seek to obtain results in keeping with the interests of the population concerned.

Article 9
1 The Committees shall inform the Commission of matters referred to them and of the conclusions which they have reached.
2 Where their conclusions require decisions by the Commission or by the respective governments, the Committees shall make recommendations to the Commission.

Article 10
1 Both the Commission and the Committees shall be empowered to settle matters of common interest which are referred to them with the members' agreement, provided that their members hold powers in respect thereof according to the legislation of the Parties.
2 The Commission and the Committees shall exchange information on the decisions reached in this respect.

Article 11
1 The delegations to the Commission or the Committees shall exchange information on the action taken by the competent authorities on recommendations made or agreements drafted in accordance with Article 7.2 and Article 9.2.
2 The Commission and the Committees shall consider the action required on the measures taken by the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1.

Источник - Конвенция СЕ от 21.05.1980 № 106


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