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Образец международной налоговой книжки для автомашины (англ.)

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Образец международной налоговой книжки для автомашины (англ.)

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to the Convention

on the taxation of foreign

motor vehicles


This permit is drawn up in the official language or languages of the country of issue. The cover, pale blue in colour, shall bear a translation into each of the languages of the High Contracting Parties, of the words: "International Fiscal Permit".

Entries in writing on the permit shall be written in Latin characters or in English cursive hand, but may, in addition, be written in other characters.

This permit contains 48 numbered pages.

    The  format  is   that   of   the   model   attached   hereto

                 5      9

(approximately 5 -- x 8 -- inches).

                 16     16


                        [Name of Country]


                          No. _________

                     International Convention

              signed at Geneva on March 30th, 1931.

                            (Page 1.)

                        [Name of Country.]

                   International Fiscal Permit

                          No. _________

                     International Convention

              signed at Geneva on March 30th, 1931.

    The present permit is issued with a view to the exemption from

taxes  or  charges  on  the  circulation  or  possession  of motor

vehicles  granted  for  one or more periods of stay representing a

total  period  of  not  more than ninety days spent in each of the

countries to which the said Convention applies. The permit is only

valid for one year from the date of issue.

    The present fiscal permit is issued to ___________________ <1>

living at ____________________________________________________ <2>

for the motor vehicle with the following description:

    Type of vehicle __________________________________________ (1)

    Make of chassis __________________________________________ (2)

    Number of chassis ________________________________________ (3)

    Number of engine _________________________________________ (4)

    Registration  number  on the plates of the country issuing the

permit _______________________________________________________ (5)

    Place and date of issue __________________________________ (6)


Stump of __________________________________________________ <3>

authority __________________________________________________ <4>



    <1> Christian names and surname of the owner or possessor.

    <2> Town, street, number.

    <3>  Signature  of authority or of the organisation designated

for the purpose.

    <4> Visa of authority.

                            (Page 2.)

    The  present  permit  is  valid in all the countries mentioned

below  for  one  year  from  the  date  of  its  issue. Before the

expiration  of  this  period, no new certificate or duplicate copy

can be issued for the same vehicle.

                        List of countries








                            (Page 3.)

                   Change of owner or possessor

    M. _______________________________________________________ (1)

    living at ________________________________________________ (2)

    is  entered as the owner or possessor of the vehicle for which

the present permit has been issued.


Stamp of  (At) ___________________ (date) _________________ (3)

authority. _________________________________________________ (4)



    M. _______________________________________________________ (1)

    living at ________________________________________________ (2)

    is  entered as the owner or possessor of the vehicle for which

the present permit has been issued.


Stamp of  (At) ___________________ (date) _________________ (3)

authority. _________________________________________________ (4)



    M. _______________________________________________________ (1)

    living at ________________________________________________ (2)

    is  entered as the owner or possessor of the vehicle for which

the present permit has been issued.


Stamp of  (At) ___________________ (date) _________________ (3)

authority. _________________________________________________ (4)



    M. _______________________________________________________ (1)

    living at ________________________________________________ (2)

    is  entered as the owner or possessor of the vehicle for which

the present permit has been issued.


Stamp of  (At) ___________________ (date) _________________ (3)

authority. _________________________________________________ (4)



    (1) Christian names and surname of the owner or possessor.

    (2) Town, street, number.

    (3) Place and date.

    (4)  Signature  of authority or of the organisation designated

for the purpose.

                            (Page 4.)

                  Change of registration number

The  vehicle  in  respect  of  which  this permit  is  issued  has

received the following new registration number: __________________


Stamp of  (At) _________________ (date) ___________________ (1)

authority. _________________________________________________ (2)



The  vehicle  in  respect  of  which this  permit  is  issued  has

received the following new registration number: __________________


Stamp of  (At) _________________ (date) ___________________ (1)

authority. _________________________________________________ (2)



The  vehicle  in  respect  of  which this  permit  is  issued  has

received the following new registration number: __________________


Stamp of  (At) _________________ (date) ___________________ (1)

authority. _________________________________________________ (2)



The  vehicle  in  respect  of  which this  permit  is  issued  has

received the following new registration number: __________________


Stamp of  (At) _________________ (date) ___________________ (1)

authority. _________________________________________________ (2)



    (1) Place and date.

    (2) Signature  of authority or of the organisation  designated

for the purpose.

                            (Page 5.)

                     Entrance and exit visas

_______________________________________ (Name of country visited)


Entrance     Date  Number of    Total      Signature of   

  or exit           days to  number of competent official

                    be counted  days to or stamp of office

                              be counted├──────────┬─────────┤

                                 since  Entrance    Exit 
























                 For continuation, vide page No. _________________

    Note:  In  calculating the period of exemption, each day shall

be  reckoned  from  midnight  to midnight, every fraction of a day

counting  as  a  whole day. The day of exit shall, however, not be

counted when the day of entry and the day of exit are separated by

a period of more than one day.

                     (Page 6 and following.)

________________________________________ (Name of country visited)


Entrance    Date   Number of   Total      Signature of   

  or exit             days to number of competent official

                    be counted days to  or stamp of office

                              be counted├──────────┬─────────┤

                                since   Entrance   Exit  




























                 For continuation, vide page No. _________________

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