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ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 15408-1-2002; Страница 38

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ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 15408-1-2002
|B&L| D. Е. and LaPadula. L. J., Secure Computer Systems: Unified Exposition and MULTICS Interpretation.
Revision I, US Air Force ESD-TR-75-3Q6. MITRE Corporation MTR-2997. Bedford MA. March 1976.
lBiba| Biba, K. J.. Integrity Considerations for Secure Computer Systems, ESD-TR-372. ESD/AFSC. Hanscom
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1СГСРЕС] Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria. Version 3.0. Canadian System Security
Centre, Communications Security Establishment, Government of Canada. January 1993.
|FCj Federal Criteria for Information Technology Security. Draft Version 1.0. (Volumes 1and II). jointly published
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Security Agency. US Government. January
|Gogul j Gogucn. J. A. and Mcscguer, J., «Security Policies and Security Models*. 1982 Symposium on Security
and Privacy, pp. 11-20, IEEE. April 1982.
|Gogu2) Gogucn. J. A. and Mcscguer. J.. «Unwinding and Inference Control*. 1984 Symposium on Security and
Privacy, pp. 75-85, IEEE, May 1984.
(ITSECJ Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria. Version 1.2. Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities. June 1991.
(ISO/IEC 7498-2:1989] Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference
Model, Part 2: Security Architecture.
|TCSEC| Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria. US DoD 5200.28-STD. December 1985.