Local battery telephone set | 305 |
Local exchange | 34 |
Local exchange network | 19 |
Local exchange area first choice route | 74 |
Local telephone network customer number | 253 |
Local telephone network exchange code | 258 |
Logatom articulation | 376 |
Lost telephone call | 173 |
Lost telephone traffic | 233 |
Loudspeaking telephone set | 314 |
Magneto | 326 |
Manual exchange | 28 |
Manual operation | 147 |
Manual switching | 140 |
Manual telephone set | 307 |
Mechanical selector | 131 |
Mechanical switching element | 93 |
Microphone | 340 |
Microphone capsule | 348 |
More than fixed queue probability | 214 |
Multiexchange network | 23 |
Multifrequency signalling | 273 |
National automatic telephone communication system | 1 |
Numerical selection | 133 |
Offered telephone traffic | 231 |
Only telephone call flow | 181 |
Open telephone numbering system | 247 |
Operative switching | 145 |
Outgoing information switching entity | 47 |
Paging | 161 |
Palm telephone call flow | 189 |
Primary telephone call loss probability | 209 |
Private exchange | 35 |
Public telephone network | 20 |
Pulse controlled selector | 130 |
Push-button dial | 329 |
Push-button telephone set | 318 |
Quality of telephone call service | 195 |
Ouasielectronic entity | 55 |
Ouasielectronic exchange | 55 |
Random telephone call flow | 179 |
Receiving reference equivalent | 378 |
Recording application service | 150 |
Reference equivalent of side-tone path | 379 |
Relay entity | 57 |
Relay exchange | 57 |
Repeated telephone call | 176 |
Repeated telephone call loss probability | 210 |
Reverse-motion selector | 128 |
Rotary dial | 328 |
Rural telephone network | 21 |
Selection | 132 |
Semiautomatic operation | 148 |
Sending reference equivalent | 377 |
Separate drive selector | 126 |
Serviced telephone call | 172 |