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Sales executive
Qualification profile:
Result oriented sales professional with exposure to business development, marketing, strategic planning, client relationship management and customer service.
Ability to leverage skills and capabilities to participate in pharmaceutical sales activities.
Proven success leading business development efforts, expanding customer base and increasing revenue potential within organizations.
Skilled in improving customer retention levels within highly competitive markets.
Exceptional leadership abilities concerning team initiatives.

Professional background:
A. Sales:
participated in sales functions within various organizations.
Led business development and marketing efforts, which expanded the customer base and introduced products into special markets.
Conducted market research, identified emerging market trends and introduced marketing strategies.
Created trade show materials, attended trade shows and promoted products.
Contributed to the implementation of promotional programs that optimize revenue levels in a saturated market.

B. Customer Service:
Played a key role in increasing retention, as well as satisfaction rates.
Handled client relationship management functions, which included promoting enduring relationships with a diverse clientele.
Cultivated positive and enduring relationships with customers.


Employment history:


Источник - "Резюме, характеристики, рекомендации", "Налоговый вестник"


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3518 — ячейка

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