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Резюме проект-менеджера (англ.)

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Резюме проект-менеджера (англ.)


12345 Street Name Ave., Portland, ME, 11111
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Senior project manager
Summary of qualifications
Bilingual leader, who performs well in multi-national environment. Adept at management all phases of project life cycle, from needs assessment through implementation. Skilled at utilizing CRM and data management tools to optimize sales, marketing and customer loyalty.

Core competencies
Program and project management                   Risk Management
Business case development                        Change Management
Strategic planning                               CRM program management
Process reengineering                            Negotiation
Performance metric definition

Professional experience
Govepoint mortgage                                       2004 - Present
Director/VP Business Project Management office
Co-manage all Govepoint projects, ensuring projects were delivered on-time and within budget.

Charles Schwab and Co Inc.                                  1999 - 2004
Senior project management/consultant
Planned, developed and led complex projects from inception through completion.

Telepoint Inc.                                                     1999
Sales service manager
Performed multi-functional role, assisting and managing start-up of vendor-branded channel portal company.

Ernst and Young, LLP                                        1994 - 1999
Senior IT-consultant
Specialized in management consultancy for Oracle Financial Modules, identifying customer requirement and implementing impact solutions.

Education: ...

Technical skills: ...

Источник - "Резюме, характеристики, рекомендации", "Налоговый вестник"


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3519 — ячейка

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