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Ходатайство в суд общей юрисдикции о предоставлении отсрочки уплаты государственной пошлины

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Ходатайство в суд общей юрисдикции о предоставлении отсрочки уплаты государственной пошлины

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1.  We operate with a complete and up-to-date business plan that includes:             


A) One- and three-year projections




B) A capital budget




2.  We operate with an annual marketing plan that includes:


A) Precise sales and profit goals and timetables




B) Strategies and tactics for the next three years




C) Budgets, Forecasts, and Benchmarks




D) A tentative sales plan




E) The demographics of our target markets




F) A thoughtful definition of the markets we serve




G) A definition of the needs/wants our products and services fill




H) An analysis of the growth potential of our markets




I) A competitive analysis




J) A definition of our “Unique Selling Proposition”




K) Projections for other products or services that could be developed




L) Timetables for research and development




3.  We use monthly budgets and statements that include:


Thorough and up-to-date records




Cash flow budget




Profit and Loss (Income) Statement




Balance sheet




Deviation analysis




Ratio analysis




Standard cost comparisons




Cash reconciliation




4.  We have developed an information base that allows us to:


Keep track of new developments in the industry




Obtain and study key trade information




Understand what “state of the art” means in this business




Provide customers with the best available information pertaining to our products and services




Keep all our employees adequately informed




5.  The business is properly capitalized since:


Capitalization is based on worst-case planning




We have emergency funds (or access to them)




We have discussed this with our commercial banker



6.  I understand the value of the business because I’ve made use of:


Professional appraisers




Present value methods to evaluate terms




Professional tax planning counsel




Accurate, timely financial information




7.  We strive to improve production, quality, and operations by:


Keeping the plant in top condition




Maintaining safe conditions




Establishing high standards




Standing behind our products and services




Not tolerating shoddy performance




Working for consistency




Using our company’s “look” as a statement to our markets




8.  Personnel decisions are based on humane, carefully considered policies that include:


Checklists to make sure objectives are clear




Communication, to make sure objectives are understood




Written job descriptions




Regular progress and performance evaluations




Fair hiring practices




Fair wage scales




9.  As for my own personal/managerial skills, I work hard to:


Develop my problem-solving abilities




Always stay calm




Be objective




Avoid investments in my own ego




Listen to my employees




Plan changes in our course to minimize negative effects




Make decisions promptly




Always get the facts behind problems




Accept my own limitations




Delegate tasks that can be done more efficiently by someone else




Analyze all available options




Develop my reading/study habits




Improve my skills




Consider and evaluate risks




Be positive with customers, employees, associates




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